Dr. M A Latif Akanda
Principal Scientific officer
BARI, Gazipur
Thirty-four single cross hybrids developed from crossing with two testers were evaluated along with two checks as BHM-3 and 5. Significant variations were found among the hybrids for all the characters studied. BHM-3 produced the highest grain yield which was statistically identical with another three hybrids. Considering grain yield and colour, and other yield contributing characters, L2 x BIL-29, L14 x BIL-28 and L6 x BIL-29 were selected for the next trial
LinexTester, Combining ability, heterosis, GCA, SCA
Variety and Species
The present experiment, therefore, has been undertaken to evaluate these hybrids to select better hybrids and to find out heterotic patterns and heterotic partners of inbred lines.
The experiment was conducted at the RARS, Ishurdi, Pabna during rabi, 2006-07. The experiment consisted of 34 single cross hybrids and 2 checks as BARI hybrid maize-3 and 5. Seeds of hybrids were sown on 20.11.06 following randomized complete block design with three replications. Unit plot size was 5m x 1.5m. Spacing was 75cm x 20cm (one plant hill). Fertilizers were applied at the rate of 250, 120, 120, 40 and 5 kg/ha of N, P2O5, K20, S and Zn, respectively.
REPORT 2006-2007
Poor husk cover was recorded from 0–29%. Highest poor husk cover was recorded in L12 x BIL-29. Grain yield was ranged from 7.82–13.26 t/ha. Check variety BHM- 3 produced the highest grain yield (13.26 t/ha) which was statistically identical with L2 x BIL-29, L14 x BIL-28 and L6 x BIL-29. Considering grain yield, colour and other yield contributing characters, L2 x BIL-29, L14 x BIL-28 and L6 x BIL-29 were selected for the next trial.