S. N. Alam
Chief Scientific Officer
Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur
F. Khatun
Scientific Officer
Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. Mahmudunnabi
Scientific Officer
Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. I. Khalil
Senior Scientific Officer
Ispahani Bio-tec, Konabari, Gazipur
This study was done at IPM laboratory of Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur during October 2012 – March 2013 to search different host larvae for successful mass rearing of B. hebetor in the laboratory.Bracon hebetor can also be successfully grown on Corcyra cephalonica and Leucinodes orbonalis (BSFB) mature larvae. In case of C. cephalonica & L. orbonalis larvae the F1 B. hebetor size was smaller than normal but from F2 onwards they become normal.So,they can be used as alternate source for generation freshness of Bracon hebetor mass rearing in the laboratory.
Host preference, Bracon hebetor, Mass rearing
Pest Management
To search different host larvae for successful mass rearing of B. hebetor in the laboratory.
This study was done at IPM laboratory of Entomology Division, BARI, Gazipur during October 2012 – March 2013. Matures larvae of three different hosts, Galleria mellonella, Corcyra cephalonica and Leucinodes orbolanis were put in test tubes (one mature larva/test tubes).One pair of B. hebetor was then inserted inside the test tubes (one pair/test tube) and kept for 2 hours for parasitism. Then the test tubes with the parsitised larvae kept in a dark, cool place for parasitoid development. Numbers of emerged adult parasitoid, B. hebetor per test tubes were counted and recorded. Each test tube with the parsitised larvae was considered as one treatment replication and there were ten replications of each treatment. The study was repeated till 10 generations of each host.
Annual Report 2012-2013, Entomology Division, BARI , Gazipur
Bracon hebetor can also be successfully grown on Corcyra cephalonica and Leucinodes orbonalis (BSFB) mature larvae. In case of C. cephalonica & L. orbonalis larvae the F1 B. hebetor size was smaller than normal but from F2 onwards they become normal. So, they can be used as alternate source for generation freshness of Bracon hebetor mass rearing in the laboratory.