The experiment was conducted at Gazipur and RARS Jamalpur to screen out the resistant or tolerant potato varieties or lines against scab disease during 2010-2011. In Joydebpur, a total of 20 newly introduced exotic varieties and 22 clonal hybrids including a popular variety Diamant were used in the trial. In RARS, Seed tuber of 32 cultivars with check variety Diamant and Cardinal were sown 8 December 2010. The unit plot size was 3.0m  3.0m and plant spacing was 60 x 25 cm. Recommended doses of fertilizers (N: P2O5: K2O: S @ 160:100:160:20 Kg/h) were used. Design was RCB having three replications. Data on the incidence of common scab were recorded and analyzed statistically using transformed data. Plant vigor was measured at 60 DAS through 1-9 disease rating scale.
In Joydebpur , Alaska, Atlas, Evora, Kufri Pokhraj, Metro, Necter, Safrana, Tebina and Volumia and clonal hybrids 4.11 and 7.136 and in Jamalpur, Sagitta, Red scarlet, Everest, Sifra, Aladin, Omega, Laura, Labadia, Toscana, Almera, Atlas, Toluca, Red Fantasy, Granola, LB -2, LB-1, BARI- TPS -1 were found to be free from infection