M H Rashid
Senior Scientific Officer
Oilseed Research Centre, BARI, Gazipur-1701
M E Mahmud
Breeder, Metal Seed
Salna Gazipur
The genetic diversity among F5 family of 129 T-Amon rice genotypes was studied using Mahalanobis D2 and Rao,s Canonical Variate Analysis. As per PCA, D2 and cluster analysis, the genotypes grouped into 10 clusters. PCA showed 69.65% variation against first four eigen values. The highest intra-cluster distance (0.921) was computed for cluster IX which composed of 24 genotypes. Lowest intra cluster distances were observed in cluster V (0.335) indicates that genotype belonging to this cluster are closest. CVA showed the highest (10.75) inter cluster difference between cluster I and VI and lowest (2.46) in between cluster VII and IX. The maximum values of intercluster distance indicated that the genotypes of cluster I was far diverged from those of cluster VI. Days to 100% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, tillers per hill, panicle length, primary branch per panicle and 1000 grain weight were found important for genetic divergence. The genotypes belonging to the cluster I and VI having greater cluster distance are recommended for inclusion in hybridization programme as they are expected to produce desired segregates.
Rice, T-Amon, Genetic diversity, F5 family
BSMRAU, Gazipur
Variety and Species
Genetic divergence is one of the criteria of parent selection. The availability of transgressive segregate in any breeding programme depends upon the divergence of involving parents, precise information on the nature and degree of genetic divergence of the parents is the prerequisite of an effective breeding programme. Knowledge of genetic diversity among plant populations and its quantitative assessment usually helps a breeder in choosing breeding programmes. Inclusion of more diverse parents in hybridization is supposed to increase the chance of obtaining maximum heterosis and gives broad spectrum of variability in segregating generations.
The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Genetics and plant Breeding Department, Bangabandhu sheikh Mujibup Rahman Agricultural Unibersity (BSMRAU) Gazipur-1706, during July of December 2006, 129 F5 materials evolved from crossing between CMS lines (IR62829A, IR58025A) and local rice germplasm.
The cross IR62A × BR10 represents the genotypes from G1 to G10. The cross IR62A × BRRI Dhan 32 represents the genotypes from G11 to G32. The cross IR62 × BRRI Dhan 32 represents the genotypes from G33 to G35. The crossIR62A × lottang represents the genotypes from G36 to G51. The cross IR62A × Khirmapat represents the genotypes from G52 to G61. The cross IR62A × Kachabalam represents the genotypes form G62 to G65. The crossIR62A × Kachamota represents the genotypes from G66 to G69. The cross IR58025 ×Gainja represents the genotypes from G76 to GG92. The cross IR58025 × Basfulchikon represents the genotypes from G93 to G115. The cross IR58025 ×Aswina represents the genotypes from G116 to G126 and the cross IR58025 × Gerumuri represents the genotypes from G127 to G 129.
The experiment was conducted using Randomizec complete Block Design (RCBD) with replications, Healthy seedling of 30 days oil was transplanted in separate strip of the experimental field, In each strip 20 × 15cm spacing were maintained.
Published Paper
The genotypes of cluster I could be selected for higher panicle length. Filled grain/panicle and higher grain yield per hill. The genotypes of cluster II could be selected for higher secondary branches per panicle. The genotypes of cluster III could be selected for higher primary branches per panicles and short type`s plant. The genotypes of cluster IV could be selected for early maturity and %seed set. The genotypes of cluster V could be selected for higher panicles per hill. The genotypes of cluster VI could be selected for long type plant and higher grain weight and late flowering if needed. The genotypes of cluster VII could be selected for early maturity and optimum panicle length. The genotypes of cluster VIII and XI could not generally select because any desired traits not found compared to other clusters mean. The genotypes of cluster X could be selected for highest tillers number per hill and dwarf plant type, Therefore these genotypes belonging to different clusters with high or moderate genetic distance might be recommended for use in future hybridization programme.