Mohammed Ziaul hoque
Senior Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Jodebpur, Gazipur
A.A. Mahmud
Senior Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Jodebpur, Gazipur
M. M. Begum
Senior Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Jodebpur, Gazipur
M. I. Hossain
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Jodebpur, Gazipur
Two seed categories, two management type and six promising varieties were assessed at field laboratory of TCRC, BARI of Gazipur and Bogura in 2012-13 cropping year. Overall virus infection status was lower in seed potato examined by ELISA at before planting than after harvesting. In Breeder seed, infections of PVY and PVS were absent and PVX infection was 16.67% at before planting of seed potato. But after harvest PVY and PVX infections were increase significantly and it was 33.33% and 16.67%, respectively. In Certified seed, highly increasing trend of PVY and PVS infections were observed from before planting to after harvest. First year trial reveals that % viruses and Ralstonia infections was comparatively lower in breeder seed of both locations than certified seed. In comparison of virus management approaches showed that % virus infections significantly lower and yield was higher in virus management applied plots than without management plots in both locations. Among the six tested varieties, Granola showed the lowest % virus infection followed by Courage whereas the highest % virus infection was recorded in Diamant at both locations followed by Cardinal. Percent scab infection was also the highest in Daimant followed by Cardinal whereas the lowest infection was recorded in Courage and Granola of both locations. Ralstonia infection was only found in Lady Rossetta at Gazipur and Asterix in Bogura. Cardinal gave the highest yield in Gazipur but in Bogura the highest yielder variety was Diamant.
Gazipur and Bogra
Pest Management
1. To find out the degeneration rate of potato per year
2. To determine the economic durability of quality seed potatoes varieties at farmers field condition
An experiment was conducted to find out the degeneration rate of potato per year and asses the economic durability of quality seed potatoes varieties at farmers’ field condition during 2012-13 cropping year at field laboratory of TCRC, BARI, Gazipur and Bogura. Two seed categories (Breeder and Certified seed), two management types (with virus management and without virus management) and six varieties (Diamant, Cardinal, Granola, Asterix, Lady Rossetta and Courage) were planted in the field following three factor RCBD design with three replications. Before planting and after harvesting samples of seed potatoes were tested by ELISA for virus determination. Virus management at field was done by rouging; spray Imidaclorpid (0.05%) and Neem oil (0.5%) as alternate spray. Spray frequency was four and spray start at 35 DAP at an interval of 10 day. Data on % PLRV, % PVY, % PVX and % PVS infection were collected during different stages. Yield data was recorded at harvest. Shoot length (cm), Root length (cm), Number of branches per plant, Number of tubers, % scab infection and % Ralstonia infection also recorded. TCRC recommended fertilizer dose and management practices were followed. Year 1- uses virus free breeder and certified seed potato; Year 2- use harvested potato from Year 1; Year 3- use harvested potato from Year 2. All seed potatoes were kept in cold storage as soon as possible after harvest. Rate of degeneration was estimated using following formula:
DR = (First year yield - yield of second year)*100/Yield of 1st year
TCRC Annual Research Report - 2012-13
Virus infection found lower in the Breeder seed and the variety Granola.