Mohammed Ziaul hoque
Senior Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
B. K. Goswami
Chief Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. M. Begum
Senior Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. I. Hossain
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Fourteen sweet potatoes germplasms were evaluated including two check varieties (BARI SP8 and BARI SP9). Among the lines, CIP 441132 was found to be the best line in respect of % virus infection and yield. This line was totally virus free and yield was18.53 t/ha, whereas the % virus infection of BARI SP 8 and BARI SP 9 were 1.85 and 3.70 and their yield were 8.27 t/ha and 8.09 t/ha, respectively. CIP 440267.2, H3/07 and H21/07 were high yielder than check varieties but % virus infection was 0.93, 0.00 and 2.78, respectively.
Pest Management
To evaluate newly introduced germplasm for resistant/tolerance to viruses in order to develop variety for commercial use.
An experiment was conducted to screen the sweet potato lines against virus diseases at field laboratory of TCRC, Gazipur. Fourteen sweet potato germplasms were tested viz. CIP 44001, CIP 440014, CIP 441132, CIP 194513.15, CIP 440267.2, H3/07, H21/07, JSP 1, H2/08, H5/08, H42/08, H47/08, BARI SP 8 and BARI SP 9. BARI SP 8 and BARI SP 9 were used as check variety. Planting date of the experiment was 28.11.12 and spacing was 60 cm line to line and 30 cm plant to plant. The size of unit plot was 5.4 m2. Fertilizer, irrigation and cultural operations were done following the guideline of TCRC. The design of the experiment was RCBD with three replications. Harvesting was done at 20.04.2013 and duration of crop was 142 day. Data on % virus infection and yield were recorded.
TCRC Research Report-2012-13
CIP 441132 was found to be the best line in respect of zero virus infection and high yield.