M.A.K Mridha
IWM Division, BARI
M.H. Rashid
IWM Division, BARI
M.S. Islam
IWM Division, BARI
M.S. Alam
Farmers usually apply 1-2 irrigation to wheat which result in low yield (1.1-2.7 t/ha). For optimum yield (3-4.5 t/ha) wheat requires 3 to 4 irrigations with 50 to 60 mm water at each irrigation. Irrigations to be applied at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after sowing (DAS) in case of 4 irrigations while it should be at 20, 50 and 75 DAS in case of 3 irrigations. Wheat (variety: Kanchan) was tested with five irrigation levels in silty clay loan soil at Joydebpur, sandy loam soil at Nashipur and silty loam soil at RARS, Jessore during 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. During 1999-2000, 4 irrigations at Joydebpur. 4 irrigations at Dinajpur, and 3 irrigations at Jessore produced the highest yield of 3.74t/ha., 3.53 t/ha and 4.40t/ha, respectively. During 2000-2001, the highest yield of 3.74 t/ha was obtained under 4 irrigations at Joydebpur, 3.67 t/ha under 4 irrigation at Dinajpur and 3.81 t/ha under 5 irrigation at Jessore.
Wheat, Irrigation requirement, soil types, agro-climatic conditions
Joydebpur, Gazipur; Nashipur, Dinajpur; and RARS, Jessore
Crop-Soil-Water Management
The specific objectives were:
i) To determine the optimum number of irrigation requirement for maximum yield
ii) To find the yield different among the treatments in different locations of Bangladesh.
This experiment was conducted on wheat (cv. Kanchan) at three locations, viz. (i) BARI central Farm, Joydebpur, ii) Wheat research Centre, Nashipur, Dinajpur and iii) RARS, Jessore, in silty-clay-loam, sandy loam and sillty loam soil, respectvely, during 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 with a randomized complete block design and three replications. The same study was also conducted at farmers’ field at Dinajpur and Jessore sites. Farmers were advised to follow the practices recommended by the researchers. The unit plot size was 5.0 x 6.0 m. Row to row and plant to plant spacing were20 cm and 5 cm, respectively. Fertilizers were used at the rate of 150. 60. 40 and 20 kg/ ha/ha of N, P2O5, K2 0 and S. respectively. Treatments were:
i. Four irrigation levels
T1= One irrigation at CRI (20 DAS)
T2= Two Irrigations, CRI (20 DAS) + 50 DAS
T3= Three irrigations, CRI (20 DAS) + 50 DAS + 80 DAS
T4= Four irrigations, CRI (20 DAS) + 40 DAS + 60 DAS + 80 DAS +
ii. Fertilizer Doses (kg/ha)
F1= N40 + P24 + K16 + S8 + Zn1.6
F2= N60 + P36 + K24 + S12 + Zn2.4
F3= N100 + P60 + K40 + S20 + Zn4
AnnualResearch Report 2000-2001,IWM, BARI
Farmers usually apply inadequate irrigation to wheat (1-2 times) which results in low yield (1.1-2.7 t/ha). For optimum yield (3-4 t/ha), wheat requires 3 to 4 irrigation. Irrigations to be applied at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after sowing (DAS in case of 4 irrigations while should be at 20, 50 and 75 DAS in case of 3 irrigation. Farmers were advised to apply around 50 to 60 mm water at each irrigation.