Kabir Uddin Ahmed
Senior Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
H. C. Mohanta
Principal Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
M. M. Khatun
Scientific Officer
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
S. Noor
Tuber Crops Research centre
BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Studies on the effect of different planting dates of sweetpotato against the infestation of sweetpotato weevil (Cylas formicarius Fab.) were carried out at Tuber Crops Research Centre, BARI, Gazipur during October 2012 to April 2013. The results revealed that T3 (Planting date of 15 November) is the best time to planting sweetpotato to obtain highest yield (9.77 ton/ha) and lowest infestation (3.64%) of sweetpotato weevil which was statistically similar with T4 (Planting date of 30 November) (9.70 ton/ha and 4.38% respectively). The highest root infestation (27.84%) and lowest yield (2.43 ton/ha) was found in T8 (Planting date of 30 January) which were followed by T7 (Planting date of 15 January) (24.31% and 3.69 ton/ha respectively) and T6 (Planting date of 30 December) (19.47% and 3.96 ton/ha respectively). So plantation after 30 November the yield was gradually decreasing and infestation of weevil was increasing due to high temperature and drought in harvest time.
Pest Management
i) To select the best planting time to manage sweet potato weevil as well as for higher yield.
An experiment entitled "Effect of different planting dates for management of sweet potato weevil” was conducted at Tuber Crops Research Centre, BARI, Gazipur during October 2012 to April 2013. The status of experiments was first year. Eight planting date at fifteen days interval considered as eight treatments were examined in the field to determine the effect of weevil infestation on yield. Eight treatments were T1 (15 Oct 2012), T2 (30 Oct 2012), T3 (15 Nov 2012), T4 (30 Nov 2012), T5 (15 Dec 2012), T6 (30 Dec 2012), T7 (15 Jan 2013) and T8 (30 Jan 2013). The spacing between plants was 30 cm and rows 60cm. The plot size for each treatment was 3 X 3.6 m2. All plantings were from vine cuttings, and standard horticultural procedures were followed. The roots in each plot were counted, weighed and evaluated for severity of weevil damage. The percentage of infested roots in each plot was determined. The experiment comprising 8 treatments were replicated thrice following RCBD. Data were statistically analyzed and means were separated by DMRT.
BARI Research Report- 2012-13
Planting date of 15 November is the best time for planting sweetpotato to obtain highest yield (9.77 ton/ha) and lowest infestation (3.64%) of sweetpotato weevil.