M. A. Hossain
Scientific Officer
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. S. Alam
Senior Scientific Officer
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. A. Bhuiyan
Scientific Officer
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
Dr. M. S. Akhtar
Senior Scientific Officer
PRC, BARI, Gazipur
Five irrigation application sequences along with a no irrigation practice were tested for chickpea (Cicer arientinum) in silty clay loam soil of BARI farm, Joydebpur. One irrigation at post sowing and another at flowering stage up to 50% and 25% of depleted soil moisture produced 1.65 and 1.36 t/ha yield for a seasonal water use of 138 and 82.4 mm in 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, respectively. The lowest yield of (1.18 and 0.75 t/ha) of the crop was obtained from no irrigation sequence in first and second years, respectively. However, irrigation applied at vegetative stage up to 50% and 25% of depleted soil moisture in addition to one post sowing irrigation produced 1.55 t/ha and 1.21 t/ha of yield, respectively, requiring 125 mm and 81.4 mm water.
Chickpea, yield, irrigation, time of application, soil moisture
Research Field of IWM division, BARI, Gazipur
Crop-Soil-Water Management
This study was designed to develop a function of water and yield for chickpea in Joybebpur region.
The experiment was conducted on chickpea (variety used: BARI chickpea-2 in 2003-2004 and BARI chickpea-5 in 2004-2005) in silty clay soil of BARI farm, Joydebpur during the rabi season. The field capacity (FC) and bulk density of the soil were 28% and 1.5 gm/cc respectively having pH value 6.4. In the experiment, altogether 6 treatments were used as follows;
T1= Control (no irrigation)
T2= One post sowing irrigation up to FC
T3= One post sowing irrigation and another at vegetative stage up to 25% of depleted soil moisture (DSM)
T4= One post sowing irrigation and another at vegetative stage up to 50% of DSM
T5= One post sowing irrigation and another at flowering stage up to 25% of DSM
T6= One post sowing irrigation and another at flowering stage up to 50% of DSM
The treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design each being replicated thrice and each plot size was 3.0 m × 4.0 m. Fertilizer doses of N20, P40, K20, Bo2 kg/ha were applied as per recommendation doses. Seeds were sown on 06 December, 2003 and 02 December, 2004. Soil moisture was determined by gravimetric method. Rainfall data were collected from weather station, Joydebpur, Gazipur. Crops were harvested on 28 March, 2004 and 23 March, 2005. Data in respect of no. of plants/plot, no. of plants/m2, plant height, no. of branch/plot, no. of pods/ plant, 1000 seed wt., seed wt./plot and yield were recorded. In addition to crop related data, water required per irrigation was also determined.
Annual Research Report 2004-2005, IWM, BARI
From the study, it was found that one post sowing irrigation and another at flowering stage up to 50% and 25% of depleted soil moisture produced the highest yield of chickpea in this first and second year, respectively. Due to the variation of two years result, it needs further observation for conclusive remarks.