Md. Tariqul Islam
Senior Scientific Officer
Plant Genetic Resources Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh
Three hundred and sixty seven accessions of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) were characterized at Plant Genetic Resources. The accessions were exhibited erect and semi-erect plant growth habit. Color variations were observed on plant and leaf. Pubescent was present on leaf blade and on leaf sheath. Yellow, orange, brown and black inflorescence along with oblong, ovate and elliptic inflorescence shape were exhibited. Days to flowering and maturity ranged from 45 to 103 days and 74 to 133 days, respectively. Plant height varied from 54 to 137.17 cm. A good variation was observed in number of basal tillers (1.0 to 13.1), inflorescences length (3.85 to 28.20 cm), width (1.10 to 9.83 cm) and thousand seed weight (1.33 to 3.47 g). The highest CV was noted in number of basal tillers (47.37%) and the lowest in days to pod maturity (9.84%).
Setaria italica, characterization, variability and Bangladesh
Plant Genetic Resources Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh
Variety and Species
Foxtail millet
(i) to study the genetic variability, (ii) to identify salient features that distinguish accessions from one another,(iii) to identify the promising accessions for varietal development and (iv) to increase seeds for conservation.
The experiment was conducted with 367 accessions of foxtail millet (Setaria italica)) at Central farm of the Plant Genetic Resources Centre, BARI, Joydebpur Gazipur, 2004-05. The accessions were collected from Plant Breeding Division of BARI during 1988. The seeds were sown in the field on 10 November 2004. Each accession was planted in one row of 4 meter long. Row to row and plant to plant distances were 45 cm and 10 cm, respectively. The experiment was conducted by Partial Lattice design with 3 replications. Recommended fertilizer doses and all intercultural operations were done to have a good crop. Data were recorded as per Descriptor for Setaria italica and S. pumila, IBPGR, 1985.
Plant Genetic Resources Centre, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh
TK. 8,000
Qualitative variation of different descriptors of foxtail millet were observed. The accessions showed erect (312 acc.) and semi-erect (55) types of plant growth habit. Green (354) and purple (13) colour were observed in both stem and on leaf. Medium (195) and strongly pubescent (172) were exhibited on leaf blade whereas their sheath pubescence was glabrous (308) and medium (59). The accessions showed short (195), long (128), large and thick (36) and absent (8) types of inflorescence lobes however their bristles was medium (132), short and obvious (126), long (86) and very short (23). Oblong (231), elliptic (101) and ovate (35) inflorescence shape along with medium (215), loose (77) and compact (15) inflorescence were noticed among the foxtail millet accessions. Yellow (256) inflorescence was the maximum followed by black (41) and orange (36) and brown (34) was the minimum. Medium (150), small (113) and large (104) seed size along with yellow-orange (272), orange (49) and black (46) seed colour were found among the accessions. All the accessions exhibited oval seed shape. Plant height, flag leaf length and width ranged from 54.00 to 137.17 cm, 16.50 to 44.50 cm and 0.95 to 4.38 cm, respectively. The accessions produced 1.00 to 13.10 basal tillers. Inflorescence length and width were 3.85 to 28.20 cm and 1.10 to 9.83 cm, respectively. On average, pod maturity appeared at 28 days after flowering. Thousand seed weight ranged from 1.33 to 3.47 g among the accessions. The highest CV was observed in number of basal tillers (47.37%), followed by inflorescence width (26.34%) and length (21.18%) and minimum CV was noted in days to maturity (9.84%). After characterization, the viability test of each accession has been completed and the accessions have been maintaining in both long term and medium term conservation for future use.