M. S. Ali
Senior Scientific Officer
Plant Pathology Division
BARI, Gazipur
R. Islam
Scientific Officer
Plant Pathology Division
BARI, Gazipur
An experiment was conducted in the field of Plant Pathology Division, BARI, Joydebpur to evaluate the resistance of different marigold cultivars against botrytis blight during 2012-13 cropping season. Among the 5 varieties/lines of marigold, 2 lines namely Orange and Basonti had the lowest disease incidence (1.69 and 1.72). The highest incidence was found in Inka (3.40) whereas medium level of incidence was recorded in Chinese (2.73) and Yellow (1.87) varieties. Similar results were reflected in the number of healthy and infected flower.Non of the tested lines were found resistant against blight, however3 lines gaqve moderately resistant reaction and the rest were moderately susceptible.
Pest Management
To find out resistant lines/var. against Botrytis blight of marigold.
The experiment was conducted during 2012-2013 in the field of Plant Pathology Division, Gazipur to find out the resistant lines against Botrytis blight disease of marigold. A total 5 varieties/lines were used in the experiment. They were Inka, Chinese, Orange, Yellow and Basonti. Seedlings of the varieties/lines were collected from Jessore, established in seedbed and transplanted in the field. The unit plot size was 3m x 2m and spacing 30x20 cm. The experiment was set up in the previously Botrytis blight disease infected field. Weeding, fungicide application and other intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. Disease data were recorded following standard disease rating scale 0-5 (Meah, 1994). Reaction of plant against the disease was graded on following five grade, where HR= No. infection, R= up to 10% disease infection, MR= 10.1 -20% disease infection, MS= 20.1-50% disease infection and S= above 50% disease infection (HR=Highly Resistant, R=Resistant, MR=Moderately Resistant, MS= Moderately susceptible, S= Susceptible).
Annual Report 2012-13
Among the 5 varieties/lines of marigold, 2 cultivars namely Orange and Basonti had significantly lower disease incidence (1.69 and 1.72) and graded as moderately resistant. The highest incidence of the disease was observed in Inka (3.40) belonged as moderately susceptible based on severity. Chinese (2.73) and Yellow (1.87) both the varieties garded as MS and MR.