M. A. Razzaque Akanda
Senior Scientific Officer
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. Sydur Rahman
Scientific Officer
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur
M. Shahabuddin Ahamed
Principal Scientific Officer
HRC, BARI, Gazipur.
M. S. Islam
Principal Scientific Officer
IWM Division, BARI, Gazipur.
An experiment was conducted with summer tomato (BARI hybrid tomato– 4) having 4 fertigation and 2 irrigation levels. The fertilizer levels were N250 P55 K125, N150 P55 K75, N100 P55 K50 and N75 P55 K35 and the irrigation levels were- drip irrigation at 2 days interval and drip irrigation at 3 days interval during 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 seasons. In the second year, the highest marketable yield of summer tomato (30.98 t/ha) was obtained from the fertigation treatment with fertilizer doses of N75 P55 K35 kg/ha irrigated at 3 days interval. In the first year, the highest marketable yield of summer tomato (32.42 t/ha) was also obtained from the same treatment. The lowest yield of 19.12 t/ha and 14.28 t/ha were obtained from the treatment with recommended fertilizer doses N250 P55 K125 kg/ha irrigated at 2 days interval in the first and second year, respectively. The highest yielder treatment received 195 mm of seasonal water including an effective rainfall of 25 mm in the second year study. The BCR was found 3.22 in highest yielding treatment (N75 P55 K35) in 2006 and 3.3 in the previous year. The average benefit cost ratio was 1:3.11
Summer tomato, fertigation, drip irrigation, irrigation levels, benefit cost ratio
IWM research field, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Crop-Soil-Water Management
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of fertigation system under control environment with two levels of drip irrigation and to study the cost effectiveness of the system.
A field experiment on summer tomato (BARI hybrid-4) was conducted under poly tunnel at IWM research field, Joydebpur, Gazipur during the kharif-1 seasons of 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. The soil was silty clay loam with pH 6.44, field capacity 28.6%, wilting point 14.3% (By wt. basis) and bulk density 1.51gm/cc. The experiment had the following treatment combinations.
T1 = Drip irrigation at 2 days interval with N250 P55 K125 kg/ha
T2 = Drip irrigation at 3 days interval with N250 P55 K125 kg/ha
T3 = Drip irrigation at 2 days interval with N150 P55 K75 kg/ha
T4 = Drip irrigation at 3 days interval with N150 P55 K75 kg/ha
T5 = Drip irrigation at 2 days interval with N100 P55 K50 kg/ha
T6 = Drip irrigation at 3 days interval with N100 P55 K50 kg/ha
T7 = Drip irrigation at 2 days interval with N75 P55 K35 kg/ha
T8 = Drip irrigation at 3 days interval with N75 P55 K35 kg/ha
The mixing ratio of fertilizer and water was 1:140 seedlings of 30 days old were planted on July 13, 2006 with the spacings of 55×40cm and the unit plot size was 2.2×4.0m. The treatments were replicated thrice. Irrigation was applied through drip system at every 2 and 3 days interval meeting the demand of crop ET. The average dripper discharge was 4.30 litres/hr. On an average. Colored polythene was also inserted at a depth of 75 cm along the sides of the bed to protect lateral seepage from rainfall in furrows. Fertigations were done on July 24, August 8, August 20 and September 5, 2006. But irrigations were applied through drip system as per the treatment combinations.
Annual Research Report 2006-2007, IWM, BARI
Summer tomato cultivation is very much profitable to the farmers. Medium and small farmers can increase their family income through summer tomato cultivation. It can create employment opportunity for rural people during the lean period. From the study results for both the years. The best yield of summer tomato can be obtained with the lower fertilizer doses N75 P95 K35 irrigated at 3 days interval through drip system due to higher fertilizer use efficiency.