Mrs. Anowara Begum
Principal Scientific Officer
Vertebrate pest Division, BARI, Gazipur
A. T.M. Hasanuzzaman
Senior Scientific Officer
Vertebrate pest Division, BARI, Gazipur
A study was conducted to obtain information about the rat management practices use by farmers in Bangladesh. The study was carried out in live locations ie. Sylhet, Barisal, Naogan. Jamalpur and Mymensingh district. The study showed that farmers in Bangladesh are well aware of rodent problems and considered rodent to be number are pest. Trapping and rodenticide baiting are the most practiced techniques for rodent control.
Survey, documentation, farmer’s practices, control , rodents,
Sylhet, Barisal, Naogan. Jamalpur and Mymensingh district
Pest Management
To know the different rat control methods used by the farmers
To know the most effective control method for rat
The survey questionnaire was designed to gather general information on farmers rodent control strategy. Sub assistant agriculture officers (BS) were selected as key informants for this study. They were concerned with the farmer practices of their respective block. They had known in which stage people apply rat management and in which way and thinks for decision-making of rat management/ choice. They can also provide the information about indigenous rodent control system. Scientists of vertebrate pest division attended weekly block supervisor’s meeting of Upazilla agriculture office of different areas of Bangladesh. Block supervisor were known previously about the visit and purpose of the visit of scientists. In the meeting, SAAO’s were asked about the farmers rodent control strategies in their respective block. Scientists were maintained a note book for writing up their answers, personal emotions, feelings and comments for writing some special observation and events, which was relevant with study.
VPD Annual report-2008-09, BARI
Twenty thousands
Almost all sub-assistant agriculture officer (BS) stated that rat is a serious problem for agriculture in their respective block. The people of the study areas generally use trap (live trap and kill trap) and poison (Zinc phosphide and lanirat) for rat control. Some other methods of rat control are also present in the study places which are as follows:-
Sylhet :Digging rat burrow and watering the burrow. When the rat come out from the burrow then farmer kill it. Trapping is the live kill trap. Poison baiting with acute and anticoagulant rodenticides.
Mymensingh : Farmers like to prefer kill traps. People use low cost biscuit, bread, dry fish, and coconut meat as bait Farmer also use different kinds of poison (acute & anticoagulant ) for killing the rat. Farmers mixed zinc phosphide with the snail flesh and got good result for controlling rodents. Farmers make colours on dried jute stick. Rats attract with the lucrative color and eat the jute stick and ultimately die. Farmer kill the rats by electrical shock by setting the electrical wire around his crop field and supply electricity with the wire.
Naogaon :Farmer use different kinds of trap and poison (acute & anticoagulant) bait for controlling rodent. Farmers transplant banana tree in the crop field. They thought it is effective because rat think it is as human being and keep a distance from this field. Farmer use smokes in rat burrow and use flood irrigation for controlling rat infestation.
Barisal:-Use different kinds of live and kill trap for controlling rat. Use smokes in rat burrow, Farmers make bamboo pipe (4-5 ft) by removing the inner portion of the node of a bamboo. Jamalpur:- Farmer use different kinds of traps, acute and anticoagulant rodenticide for controlling rat. They also used watering and use smoke in the burrow.