Md. Shah Alam
Senior Scientific Officer
Vertebrate Pest Division, BARI, Gazipur
A. T.M. Hasanuzzaman
Senior Scientific Officer
Vertebrate Pest Division, BARI, Gazipur
Abstract: The experiment was conducted to study the effectiveness of different brand of bromadiolone poison bait (Roma, ratonil and mortein rat kill cake) collected from different companies. In “choice” test the Roma and Mortein rat kill cake showed 85% mortality of Bandicoot rat which is followed by Ratonil (80%). In field test, all poison bait showed the similar performance. The per cent mortality of the Bandicoot rat was 81.62% in case of Roma. Ratonil and Mortein rat kill cake showed 80% mortality.
Efficacy, roma, ratonil mortein rat kill cake. control, rodent
VPD, BARI, and Sreepur, gazipur
Pest Management
To evaluate the efficacy of roma, ratonil and mortein rat kill cake for controlling rodent
The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of VPD, BARI, Gazipur, during 2008-09. Roma, Ratonil and Mortein rat kill cake bait contains 0.005% bromadiolone as an active ingredient.
Choice test: The choice feeding tests were conducted in the VPD laboratory using 20 (10 male and 10 female rats ) acclimatized adult rats. Six hours starved rats were exposed individually to poison bait in a food cup for 24 hours. Two food cups were provided to each animal, one cup containing 25g of poison bait and the other containing 25g of plain wheat grains. Each rodenticide was supplied for two consecutive days and the plain wheat grain was provided up to end of the experiment (up to 15 days). Consumption of bait material or food and mortalities of the test rats were recorded every day.
Field test: Field test of roma was conducted in 3 rat affected poultry farms (Kacha) at Sreepur, Gazipur. The pre and post-treatments rodent population index was taken by using 20 tracking tiles. Ten gram of poison bait was placed at each of the 20 bait points per farm per night. Field efficacy of this bait was evaluated by the reduction of population index. Field test of ratonil and mortein rat kill cake was conducted in wheat field, BARI. At booting stage of wheat, 30 and 20 active rat bowwow system was selected for ratonil and mortein rat kill cake, respectively. About 30 gm of poison bait was applied near the burrow opening or runway as well as the premises of active burrow system. After application rodent activity was observed up to seven days.
VPD Annual report-2009-10, BARI, Gazipur
Twenty thousands
Choice test: In case of Roma, out of ten male and ten female rats, nine males and eight female rats died within 24 hours .But in case of Ratonil, nine male and seven female rats were found dead while in Mortein rat kill cake, 8 male and 9 female rats were found dead. Roma and Mortein rat kill cake showed 85% average rat mortality, which was followed by Ratonil (80%).
Field test: All poison bait i.e. Roma, Ratonil and Mortein rat kill cake showed a considerable reduction in rodent number. The average reduction in rodent number was almost similar in all poison bait. Roma showed 81.62% reduction in rodent number but Ratonil and Mortein rat kill cake showed the same reduction (80%) in rodent number. This finding is comparable to another result where Hasanuzzaman et al., (2003) recorded 81.99 % reduction of rodent activities by applying lanirat bait (Bromadiolone 0.005%) out side the burrow system in poultry farm of Gazipur district in Bangladesh. The results of the present experiment strongly indicate that Roma, Ratonil and mortein rat kill cake are the effective rodenticides and those can be successfully used for controlling field rats in Bangladesh.