Dr.Md.Omar Ali
Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
Dr. Md. Alimur Rahman
Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
An experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Rahmatpur, Barisal during rabi season of 2002-2003 to find out the optimum and sustainable management practices for the maximization and economically viable yield of cowpea. In this regard, different management practices were imposed to the experimental plots. The plant height, number of pods/plant, pod length, number of seeds/pod and 1000-seed weight were also significantly influenced due to different management practices. Among the management practices studied, application of chemical fertilizer in combination with weeding at 30 days after emergence (DAE) and spraying gave significantly the highest seed yield (1640 kg/ha) of cowpea which was statistically identical with the treatment chemical fertilizer plus weeding (1490 kg/ha). It was 160.32 and 136.51 % higher yield compared to control. The lowest seed yield (630 kg/ha) was obtained from the control. The treatment combination CF + W +SP also gave the maximum net return (Tk. 20,742/ha) and benefit cost ration (2.73) but the lowest gross return (12,600 Tk/ha) and net return (7,050 Tk/ha) was obtained by control. The lowest benefit cost ratio (2.21) was obtained by weeding plus spraying.
Yield , cowpea and management practices i
Crop-Soil-Water Management
To find out the optimum management practices for the maximization and economically viable yield of cowpea in southern region.
The field trial was carried out at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Rahmatpur, Barisal during the rabi season of 2002-2003. The soil of the experimental plots was silty loam in texture with pH 6.8. The soil contained organic matter 2.14%, organic carbon 1.48% total nitrogen 0.25% available phosphorus 20.53 ug/g soil, available sulphur 38.40 ug/g soil and exchangeable potassium 0.61 meq/100g soil. The cowpea variety BARI Felon-1 was used as experimental material. The management practices were 8 which are as follows- T1= Chemical fertilizers (CF) : 20-40-20 kg N, P205 and K20/ha, respectively, T2 = Weeding at 30 days after emergence (W), T3 = Spraying (SP), T4 = CF + W, T5 = CF + SP, T6 = W + SP, T7 = CF +W+ SP, T8 = Control (only seed sown)
This experiment was laid out in a RCB design with three replications. The unit plot size was 6 x 4m. Seeds were sown on 17 December, 2002 at the seed rate of 50 kg/ha. The spacing was 40 cm from line to line and 10 cm from plant to plant, respectively. Fertilizers application and other necessary management practices were done as per the experimental treatment specifications. The crop was harvested on 20 April, 2003 After harvesting the crop, data on different plant characters such as plant height, number of pods/plant, pod length, number of seeds/pod, 1000-seeds weight and plot yield were recorded and analyzed statistically. Thereafter, the means were separated by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for better interpretation of the results.
Annual report of Pulses Agronomy,PRC,BARI,Ishurdi,Pabna,2002-2003.
Twenty thousand only
It was found that, management practices, application of chemical fertilizers @ 20-40-20 kg of N, P205 and K20/ha as basal in combination with weeding at 30 days after emergence (DAE) and spraying by hsymbush @ 1.0 ml/L water at podding stage is optimum for economically viable production of cowpea in the southern region.