Dr.Md.Omar Ali
Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
Rice-pulse project,IRRI office,Banani,Dhaka
Generally, mungbean is grown in kharif-II (August-October), late-rabi (January – April ) and kharif-I (March-June) seasons in Bangladesh. Being a short duration crop (55-60 days) it fits well into various cropping systems. Although it is grown in a variety of cropping systems, Kharif-I is the dominant pattern in major mungbean growing areas but maximum lands remain fallow after wheat harvest and before transplanting of monsoon rice due to lack of short duration variety. If short duration, synchronous maturing varieties can be developed, this vast area can be brought under mungbean cultivation in Bangladesh. Considering the above need, the Pulses Research Centre, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh is engaged in genetic enhancement of mungbean for these cropping patterns. In this endeavor, the Center released BARI Mung-6 mungbean variety in 2003. It acts a catch crop in between wheat and rice and provides an extra income to the farmers. It also improves soil health through re-cycling organic matter to the soil, which is beneficial to the succeeding crops.
BARI Mung-6 is a short duration (55-60 days), disease (YMV) resistant, synchronous maturity and late potential mungbean variety. It has a yield potential of 1.6-2.0 tons/ha of grain and 8-10 tons/ha of green biomass.
Mungbean, soil fertility i, Rice-Wheat-Mungbean cropping system.
Variety and Species
To develop short duration(55-60 days), disease (YMV) resistant, synchronous maturing and late potential mungbean variety to cultivate after wheat.
A field experiment was conducted at PRC,Ishurdi,Pabna during Kharif-1 season of 1997-98 to find out the short duration(55-60 days), disease (YMV) resistant, synchronous maturing and late potential mungbean variety to cultivate after wheat. To develop such type of variety, a total of 29 genotypes which were collected from AVRDC, including one local check, BARI Mung-5 were tested. First sowing date was 15 March,1998. The experimental soil was sandy loam having pH 7.0-7.5. The experiment was laid out in a RCB design with three replications. The unit plot size was 4m x 3m. Fertilizers were used @ 20-40-20 kg/ha N-P205-K20 as basal dose. Weeding and others plant protection measures were done when necessary. Data were collected from 10 randomly selected plants from each plot and grain yield was recorded from whole plot.This experiment was repeated upto 2001 and found 4 promising genotypes. Later on these genotypes were tested after wheat harvest in the different mungbean growing areas for regional trial. All the locations, among them NM-94 genotypes found prominent under Rice-Wheat-Mungbean cropping system. Finally, this genotype was released by NSB as BARI Mung-6 in 2003. Mungbean plants were plough done after 15 days of 2nd harvest. Soil samples were collected before sowing and after plough done of bio-mass for chemical analysis. The recorded data were analyzed statistically and the means were separate
Publication of 4th International Food Legume Research Conference,18-22,2005,New Delhi,India
Seventy thousand only
BARI Mmung-6 has developed which is short durated (55-60 days), disease (YMV) resistant, synchronous maturing and late potential mungbean variety. It has a yield potential of 1.6-2.0 tons/ha of grain and 8-10 tons/ha of green biomass.By the inclusion of this variety, a new potential cropping pattern, Rice-Wheat-Mungbean has been developed. BARI Mung-6 has generated job opportunity to the rural women in pod harvest and threshing.It also improves soil health through re-cycling organic matter to the soil, which is beneficial to the succeeding crops.
Journal, Report/Proceedings, Booklet/Leaflet