Dr.Md.Omar ALI
Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
A field experiment was carried out at PRC, Ishurdi, Pabna during rabi season of 2004-2005 under rainfed condition to find out the optimum preceding rice-stubble height for better establishment of different pulses as relay cropping system. There were three rice-stubble height e.g. 15 cm, 30cm & 45 cm and 4 type of pulses i.e. lentil (BARI Masur -4), Lathyrus (BARI Khesari-1), Chickpea (BARI Chhola-5) & field pea (Norail local ) where stubble height were placed in the main-plot and different pulses were placed in the sub-plot. Among the stubble height and different pulses had differences on yield and yield contributing characters. Incase of lentil and chickpea, the highest grain yield 1420 kg/ha and 1170 kg/ha, respectively were found in 30 cm preceding rice stubble height but the lowest 1080 kg/ha and 820 kg/ha, respectively were in 45 cm stubble height. But incase of lathyrus and fieldpea, the highest grain yield 1380 kg/ha and 1606 kg/ha, respectively were obtained by 45 cm rice stubble height.
Relay pulses and preceding rice-stubble height
Crop-Soil-Water Management
To find out the optimum preceding rice-stubble height for better establishment of different pulses as relay cropping system.
A field experiment was conducted at PRC, Ishurdi, Pabna during rabi season of 2004-2005 under rainfed condition to find out the optimum preceding rice-stubble height for better establishment of different pulses as relay cropping system. There were three rice-stubble height e.g. 15 cm, 30 cm & 45 cm and 4 type of pulses i.e. lentil (BARI Masur -4), Lathyrus (BARI Khesari-1), Chickpea (BARI Chhola-5) & field pea (Norail local ). The experiment was laid out into Split-plot design with three replications. The stubble height were placed in the main-plot and different type of pulses were placed in the sub-plot. The unit plot size was 4m x 5m. The sowing date was 26 October 2004. In the experimental plots, fertilizers N-P205-K20 20-40-20 kg/ha were applied in the existing rice field before two days of seed sown. All type of pulses were sown in the existing rice field as per design. The seed rate of lentil, chickpea, lathyrus and field pea were 40 kg/ha, 40kg/ha, 50 kg/ha & 60 kg/ha, respectively. Intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. Urea was applied @ 45 kg/ha at 20 DAE in lentil and field pea plot. Field pea, lentil , chickpea and lathyrus were harvested on 14 &15 February and 29 & 30 March 2005, respectively. Data on yield contributing characters were recorded from 10 randomly selected plants from each plot and grain yield (kg/ha) was recorded from whole plot at harvest. The recorded data were statistically analysised.
Annual report of Pulses Agronomy,PRC,BARI,Ishurdi,Pabna
Fifteen thousand only
It was identified that 30 cm preceding rice stubble height for lentil & chickpea but 45 cm rice stubble height for lathyrus and field pea cultivation are optimum for higher yield and better establishment of relay pulses.