M.G.F. Chowdhury
Senior Scientific Officer
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
Dr. M. Miaruddin
Chief Scientific Officer (I.C.)
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
Senior Scientific Officer
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
Senior Scientific Officer
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
Senior Scientific Officer
Plant Pathology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
The experiment was conducted to study the effect of temperature and relative humidity on the quality and shelf life of pineapple. Uniform matured fresh pineapple was selected and washed with potable water. Then pineapples were kept in 1% perforated polypropylene packet(43micron) and stored at five different temperatures viz.7oC, 9 oC, 11 oC, 13 oC and 15 oC with 88±2%RH. These treatments were compared with control treatment which was kept in ambient condition. Physical appearance) and physio-chemical parameters was observed and recorded. The obtained result showed that pineapple stored at 110C temperature with 88±2%RH was effective in prolonging the storage life up to 21 days whereas the shelf life of control treatment was 7 days in respect to firmness (kg-force/cm2), colour, freshness, (%) physiological weight loss,(%) decay/rotting loss, ( % ) TSS, (% ) acidity, (mg/100g) vitamin C, (µg/100g, (%) total sugar as well as sensory evaluation.
Pineapple, perforated polypropylene packets, temperature, humidity
Post Harvest Technology Division, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Postharvest and Agro-processing
• To optimize the temperature and relative humidity for storage of pineapple
• To increase the shelf life of pineapple
• To reduce the post harvest loss
Fresh matured, uniform size and flat eyes with crown leaves of pineapple (cv.jaint que) were collected from local pineapple growers nearby Modhupur at Tangail and randomly selected for the experiment. Collected pineapples were washed in potable water. From previous study, polypropylene (34 micron) with 1% perforated packet was selected for each of treatment. After that pineapples were stored at 70C, 90C, 110C, 130C and 150C with 88±2%RH in constant temperature and relative humidity chamber up to 21days of storage. Then temperature and relative humidity were closely observed in each chamber. The physicochemical parameters viz. fruit colour, firmness, freshness, weight loss (%), TSS (%), vitamin-C (mg/100g), acidity (%), sugar content (%) of the fruits for each treatment were observed and recorded every 7 days of storage interval. The treatments are as follows:
T1 = Pineapple stored at 70C
T2 = Pineapple stored at 90C
T3= Pineapple stored at 110C
T4= Pineapple stored at 130C
T5= Pineapple stored at 150C
T6 = Control (ambient temperature)
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From the experiment, it can be concluded that pineapple stored in 11 0C with 88±2%RH in 1% perforated polypropylene packet performed better storage life (21 days) in respect to colour, firmness, freshness, physiological weight loss as well as nutritional quality.