Senior Scientific Officer
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
Dr. M. Miaruddin
Chief Scientific Officer (I.C.)
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
M.G. F. Chowdhury
Senior Scientific Officer
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
Senior Scientific Officer
Postharvest Technology Division
BARI, Joydebpur
Senior Scientific Officer
Plant Pathology Division, BARI, Joydebpur
The experiment was undertaken to standardize the processing method for condensed milk from corn to enhance the diversified use of corn. After extracting the milk from milky stage corn, it was processed into condensed milk adding sugar, glucose syrup, lactose, carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) etc. and several trials were made to get the desired final product. The organoleptic quality attributes of the processed condensed corn milk were determined by a taste panel judges comprising 10 members. They compared the quality attributes of the corn condensed milk made from a six combination of sugar and CMC percentage. The sweetened condensed corn milk prepared from the combination of 80% sugar and 0.3% CMC obtained the highest acceptability rank. After formulation the condensed corn milk was stored at ambient temperature and in refrigarator for a period of 8 weeks. Minimum microbial count was recorded for the corn milk+85%Sugar+0.3%CMC combination followed by corn milk +80%Sugar+0.3%CMC. The retention of vitamin A (ß- carotene) and vitamin C was found better for the corn milk prepared from the combination of 80% sugar and 0.3% CMC.
Corn, sugar, condensed milk, CMC
Post Harvest Technology Division, Joydebpur, Gazipur
Postharvest and Agro-processing
• To standardize the method of sweetened condensed corn milk preparation.
• To make provision of diversified use of corn.
Milky stage maize was collected from the field. Husks and silk was removed from corn and it was washed with water. Kernels from the cob were cut with the help of sharp knife. The kernels were squeezed using juice extractor and the extracted corn milk was filtered with thin white cloth. This filtrated corn milk was condensed with added sugar, glucose syrup, lactose, carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) etc. The experiment was laid in CRD with two factors. The treatments and factors are as follows:
Factor A (sugar percentage)
T1 = 75% sugar (of corn milk)
T2 = 80% sugar (of corn milk)
T3 = 85% sugar (of corn milk)
Factor B(carboxy methyl cellulose percentage)
C1 = 0.2% CMC (of corn milk)
C2 = 0.3% CMC (of corn milk)
The corn filtrate was taken in a double kettle and heated at around 70-800 C to make the TSS 170 Brix. Then, the sugar was added and heated at 80-900C until it reaches 650 Brix. Next, carboxy methyl cellulose and lactose (0.5% of corn milk) was added. After stirring, salt (0.25% of corn milk) and glucose syrup (4% of corn milk) was added and heated again until it reaches 72-750 Brix. The solution was then blended for homogenization. Finally, the mixture was pasteurized at 700 C for 5 minutes, added 1000 ppm potassium metabisulphite (KMS) and hot poured into glass container and sealed immediately. The prepared condensed milk was stored at ambient temperature to determine its acceptability and keeping quality.
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Considering the physico-chemical changes, overall acceptance of sensory evaluations the combinations of T2C2, i.e. 80% sugar and 0.3% carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) of corn milk could be selected for commercial processing of sweetened condensed corn milk.