M Arshadul Hoque
Scientific Officer
Farm Machinery and Post harvest Process Engineering Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
M A Wohab
Farm Machinery and Post harvest Process Engineering Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
A study was conducted in Barisal region to find out the problems of multicrop power thresher in farmers field. The experiment was performed in two locations of Babuganj and Gournodi upzilla under Barisal district. In the study area, four farm machinery manufacturers sold the threshers. Maximum thresher owner used the thresher for their business through custom- hire services. During the operation of multicrop power thresher, main problems identified by the farmers were peg erosion, ball bearing failure, welding failure, straw clogging on shaft, power transmission v-belt failure and sieve erosion. The thresher operator had no proper skill and knowledge about operation and maintenance of the machine. Having these constraints, still the users and the owners are getting benefit by using the thresher.
Custom hire, grain, multi-crop, power, straw, thresher
Farm Mechanization
1. To identify the operation and maintenance problem of multi crop power thresher.
2. To improve the machine quality by providing information to the manufacturers.
3. To study the farmers reaction about thresher.
The experiment was conducted during T. Aman and wheat harvesting season of 2005-2006 in two upzillas in Barisal districts. The upozillas were Babugang and Gournodi. In each site, 5(five) farmers who have power thresher were selected randomly to collect data. A survey questionnaire was prepared to collect the necessary information of the multicrop power thresher. Data were collected with close observation of the threshers and cooperation of the owners & operators, with the help of DAE officers and staffs.
Research Report
Owners of the threshers are satisfied as they are getting significant profit by investing money in purchasing of mulicrop power thresher. Common farmers who are using threshers are satisfied because it reduces drudgery of farmers, risk from natural calamity, time of threshing and cost of operation. To provide good quality thresher, manufacturer should be advised to make the machine properly. the machine operator should be trained on operation and maintenance about the thresher.
Journal, Report/Proceedings