Monjurul Kadir
Senior Scientific officer
Sixty eight three way cross hybrids of quality protein maize were evaluated at RARS, Jamalpur during 2009-2010 to identify hybrids for high yield. The hybrid CML-170XCML-188XCML-193 produced the highest yield. Hybrids CML-193XCML-191XCML-162 and CML-162XCML-164XCML-191 produced second and third highest yield respectively. CML-170XCML-188XCML-193 and CML-162XCML-164XCML-191 1st and 3rd highest with moderately dwarf plants.
Quality protein maize, Three way cross, Normal maize, lysine and tryptophan
December 2009 –May 2010
Variety and Species
Quality protein maize is an important cereals the world. It contains lysine and tryptophan which is about two times higher than normal maize. Normal maize is considered to of low quality as it contain low level of these two essential amino acids. Keeping these problems in mind, this research programme was under taken to develop and identify the medium tall hybrids with high yield of three way cross quality maize hybrids.
The experimental materials were consisted of 68 three way cross QPM hybrids including BARI hybrid maize-5 as check. The crop was raised at RARS, Jamalpur during December 2009 –May 2010. The experiment was set in a randomized complete block design three replications. A unit plot size was 2 rows 5 metre long. The seeds were sown on the 12 December, 2009 in a row 25 cm apart. Fertilizers and manures were applied according to the recommendation for hybrid maize. Data were taken on plant height, ear height, days to maturity, 100 kernel weights and grain yield (ton/Ha).Data were analysis by using computer softer of M state.
Research reports 2009-10
Among the 68 quality protein maize hybrids, it was found that the hybrid CML-170XCML-188XCML-193 produced the highest yield. Its plant height and ear height was medium tall and kernels are bold size. The hybrid CML-193XCML-191XCML-162 produced 2nd grain yield which was 8.66 tons/ha. But it had tall plant with tall ear height. Its kernel was small size. The CML-162XCML-164XCML-191 produced 3rd highest grain yield and it was 8.56 tons/ha. Its plant height and ear height was medium with medium kernel size. There were some hybrids which had the plant height below 170 cm and yield was 6.5-8.0 ton/ha, could be considered for further evaluation at different location.