Dr.Md.Omar Ali
Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
Dept.of Botany,Rajshahi University,Rajshahi
Dr.Ashutosh Sarker
Principal Scientist and Regional Coordinator of South Asia and China Program
ICARDA,ICAR,New Delhi,India
The field experiment was carried out for two consecutive years of 2006-07 and 2007-08 at the Pulses Research Centre,BARI, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh during rabi season to develop an improved varieties for better adaptation and higher yield of lentil under relay cropping.The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Four promising lentil genotypes (X95S-167(4), X95S-167(5), ILL-5134 and X95S-136), 3 local cultivars (Kushtia, Rajshahi and Rajbari local) and 3 released varieties (BINA Lentil -3,BARI Lentil -3 and BARI Lentil-4), all together, 10 genotypes were tested under this study. Among the 10 lentil genotypes, X95S-136, X95S-167(4) and BARI Lentil- 4 performed better in growth related characters like - shoot length, shoot dry weight, root length, total root length, root number, root dry weight and, yield (1708-1750 kg/ha) and yield contributing characters over local cultivars as well as rest of the genotypes. Similar trend regarding seed and straw yield was also found in the farmer’s field. Hence, by inclusion of lentil in the transplanted aman rice field as relay crop in the medium high – medium low lands could be brought under lentil cultivation to enhance lentil production and farmer’s income, and also to ensure soil health improvement
Adaptation, lentil, relay, transplanted aman rice, resource conservation and land
Crop-Soil-Water Management
To develop an improved varieties for better adaptation and higher yield of lentil under relay cropping.
The experiment was conducted for two consecutive years of 2006-07 and 2007-08 on Calcareous Gray Flood Plain soils at the Pulses Research Centre (PRC), BARI) Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh during rabi season to develop an improved varieties for well adaption and higher yield of lentil under relay cropping with transplanted aman rice. The experiment was laid out in a RCB degin with three replications. The unit plot size was 6 meter x 6 meter. From the performance of a earlier screening program (2005-2006), 4 promising lentil genotypes (X95S-167(4), X95S-167(5), ILL-5134 and X95S-136), 3 local cultivars (Kushtia, Rajshahi and Rajbari local) and 3 released varieties (BINA Lentil-3, BARI Lentil-3 and BARI Lentil-4) , all together 10 lentil genotypes were tested under this study. Lentil seeds @ 50 kg/ha was broadcasted as treatment- wise in a transplanted aman rice (Var. BRRIdhan - 32) field after excess water was drained out 15 days before rice harvest on 29 October, 2006 and 1 November, 2007, respectively. Fertilizers @ 30-60-30 kg/ha of N- P205-K20 as urea, triple-supper phosphate and murate of potash were used. TSP and MP were applied 2 days before lentil seeds broadcasting and urea was top dressed at 20 days after emergence. Rice was harvested with retaining 30 cm straw height from the ground level. Intercultural operations were done as and when necessary.The crop was harvested on 1 March, 2007 and 2 March .2008, respectively. Data on yield contributing characters were recorded from 10 randomly selected plants from each plot and, grain yield (kg/ha) and straw yield (t/ha) were recorded from whole plot at harvest. The recorded data were statistically analyzed and means values were adjudged by Duncan's Multiple Range Test.
1. M.Omar Ali,M.I.Zuberi and Ashutosh Sarker. 2012. Adaptation of lentil as relay crop with transplanted aman rice is a potential technology under changing climate. Extended Summaries Vol.2:3rd International Agronomy Congress, Agriculture Diversification,Climate Change Management and Livlihoods.Organized by Indian Society of Agronomy and Indian Council of Agricultural Research. New Delhi,India. November 26- 30,2012, pp.380-383.
Thirty thousand only
It was revealed that, the genotypes of lentil, X95S-136, X95S-167(4) and BARI Lentil -4 were found suitable for relay cropping in transplanted amam rice field showing better growth behavior, adaptation and yield performance. Now farmers are using this technology and getting more yield over conventional practice. Relay cropping of lentil with transplanted aman rice may give an opportunity for earlier sowing of lentil for substantial seed yield which may contribute to further improvement of the system. Besides this, inclusion of lentil in the rice-based cropping system, medium- high to medium -low lands could be brought under lentil cultivation to enhance lentil production, provide human and animal nutrition and also to ensure soil health improvement for sustainable production system. Finally, sustainable agriculture will be helpful for safety food production in the farm level as well as food will be secured.