M.M. Kamal
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M.M. Hossain
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
D. Sarker
Principal Scientific Officer
Entomology Division,BARI, Gazipur
A field experiment was conducted at SRC, Bogra during kharif season 2013 to determine best performing management option against leaf gall forming Eriophyid mite in bay leaf. The entire treatments were replicated three times with randomized complete block design. Among different treatments chlorfenapyr (Intrepid) performed better followed by spinosad and abamectin over other treatments in respect of mite population reduction. Pruning alone was modestly effective in keeping the plants gall free. Among the treatment unsprayed (control) plant observed moderate to severe injury compared to other treatments. Chlorfenapyr(Intrepid50SC) 1ml/L of water treated plant showed trace injury level against mite infestation followed by spinosad (Tracer 45SC) @0.4ml/L of water and abamectin treated plant. Lowest percentage of infested leaves per shoot(11%) was recorded in chlorfenapyr(Intrepid 50SC) treated plant followed by spinosad (Tracer 45SC) treated plant (17%) and abamectin (Vertimec )treated plant (21%). Highest percentage of infested leaves per shoot (56%) was recorded in unsprayed control plant.
BAY LEAF (Cinnamomum tamala), MANAGEMENT, LEAF GALL.
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Variety and Species
To find out suitable management option against gall forming Eriophyid mites in bay leaf.
This study was conducted at SRC, Bogra during kharif season 2013 to find out the best performing management option against leaf gall forming Eriophyid mite in bay leaf. For this, eighteen medium sized (about 10-12 years old) bay leaf plants were selected for treatment application, observation and data collection. The entire treatments were replicated three times with randomized complete block design. Advance bay leaf line was used for the experiment. Treatments were T1= Pruning/Sanitation of infested leaves; T2= Application of Neem seed extract @ 50g/L of water; T3= Application of Chlorfinapyr (Intrepid10EC) @ 1ml/L of water; T4= Application of Abamectin (Vertimec1.8EC)@ 1.2ml/l of water; T5= Application of Spinosad(Tracer 45SC)@0.4ml/L of water; T6 = Untreated control. When new galls began to form, the bay leaf trees were sprayed to the point of complete coverage with a hand compression sprayer. Pruning consisted of removing of all galled leaves from selected plant. Data were taken from five (5) randomly selected twigs of each selected plants at 15 days interval and the gall mite was counted under stereo-microscope at SRC, Bogra. Healthy and infested leaves were counted from each randomly selected twig. Infested leaves were collected and numbers of galls were counted from 1cm2 area of each leaves. Some galls were collected and dissected for counting the number of mites inside the gall under stereo-microscope. Data were converted into percentage and analyzed using MSTAT-C program and mean values were separated by DMRT.
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Chlorfenapyr (Intrepid 10EC) @1ml/L of water provided better performance against control of eriophyid gall mite in bay leaf followed by spinosad (Tracer 45SC) @0.4ml/L of water and Abamectin (Vertimec 1.8EC) @1.2ml/L of water. There were some observations from the study that the success of chemical control depends on through spray coverage and proper timing to commence the spray. It was the first year trial, so it needs further study in the coming year.