M.M. Kamal
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M.M. Hossain
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
A field experiment was conducted at SRC, Bogra during rabi 2012-2013 to test the performance of some onion germplasm against thrips. The experiment was laid out in RCB design with three replications. Eleven onion lines (ONO 275, ONO 276, ONO 277, ONO 278, ONO 280, ONO 275, ONO 281, ONO 282, ONO 285, ONO 286, Chakra, Sada-1 and Sada-2) along with three varieties (BARI Onion-2, BARI Onion-3 and BARI Onion-5) were screened out against Thrips tabaci. The varieties and lines had different leaf color, leaf erectness and all lines and varieties have more or less waxy leaves. The highest number of thrips population (16.07 thrips/plant) was recorded on the last week of March in ONO-275 followed by ONO-285 and ONO-278 and then declined gradually. Significantly the lowest number of thrips population (12.01 thrips/plant) was observed in BARI Onion-5 followed by onion line ONO-281 and ONO-280. Highest yield (11.83 t/ha) was obtained from the BARI Onion-3 where number of thrips population was (14.59 thrips/plant).
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Variety and Species
To evaluate the performance of eleven onion lines and three varieties against onion thrips (Thrips tabaci).
The experiment was conducted at SRC, Bogra during rabi season, 2012-2013 to test the performance of some onion germplasm against thrips. The experimental design was RCB with three replications. Eleven onion lines (ONO 275, ONO 276, ONO 277, ONO 278, ONO 280, ONO 275, ONO 281, ONO 282, ONO 285, ONO 286, Chakra, Sada-1 and Sada-2) along with three varieties (BARI Onion-2, BARI Onion-3 and BARI Onion-5) were screened out against Thrips tabaci. The unit plot size was 3m×1.5m and the spacing was 15cm×10cm. Thirty eight day old seedlings were transplanted to the field on 23 February 2013. The trial consisted of 14 treatments and each plot consisted of 8 lines and 30 plants. Thrips population was counted at 7 days interval from the first appearance of thrips infestation. Three weedings were done at 15, 25 and 45 DAT. Four irrigations were done at 15, 25, 40 and 55 DAT. Number of thrips (both adult and nymphs) was counted from 15 randomly selected plants of each plot. No insecticides were sprayed in the plot throughout the season. The crop was fertilized with 5 t/ha of cow dung N110P52K75S20Zn4B1.5kg/ha. The entire amount of cow dung P, S, B, Zn, 1/3 N and ½ K was applied during land preparation. The rest N and K was applied in two equal splits at 25 and 50 DAT). Crop yield data was also recorded immediately after crop harvest. Data on thrips population and yield were analyzed using MSTAT-C program and mean values were separated by DMRT.
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Significantly the highest number of thrips population (16.07 thrips/plant) was recorded from ONO 275 and the lowest from ONO 281 (13.11thrips/plant (Table-1). The tested lines showed identical result regarding thrips infestation except ONO281 which showed minimum infestation. The highest bulb yield (11.83t/ha) was obtained from BARI Onoin-3 which was identical to BARI Onion-5 (11.33t/ha), BARI Onion-2 (9.92t/ha), ONO 285(9.92t/ha), ONO 281 (9.70t/ha), ONO 280 (9.03t/ha) and ONO 276 (9.40t/ha). It is evident that ONO 281 showed minimum thrips infestation and gave identical bulb yield to check variety which indicates it’s superiority among different lines and varieties under this study.
ONO 281 showed minimum thrips infestation and gave identical bulb yield to check variety.