Md. Kalim Uddin
Principal Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M.M. Hasan
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M. A. R. Akanda
Principal Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
A field experiment was conducted at the Spices Research Centre, Shibgonj, Bogra during rabi season, 2012-13 to develop irrigation schedule for higher yield of fennel, to rationalize the N fertilizer rate under the available water supply and to find out the critical growth stage of irrigation. The land was medium high and the soil was clay loam in texture. Seed yield of fennel varied significantly due to different irrigation treatments. The highest seed yield (2.44 t/ha) was obtained from 4-5 leaf + BI +FL +GF stage which differed significantly from other treatments. The lowest seed yield was recorded from one irrigations at 4-5 leaf stage (1.14 t/ha). The highest seed yield (2.23 t/ha) was obtained from 90 kg N/ha which was identical to 150 kg N/ha (2.16 t/ha) but differed significantly from other N levels. The lowest seed yield was recorded from crop grown without N (1.22t/ha). The interaction between Irrigation x Nitrogen was found significant. The highest seed yield was recorded with 4 irrigations x 90 kg N/ha (2.88 t/ha) which was identical to 4 irrigations x 120 kg N/ha (2.84 t/ha).
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Variety and Species
To find out optimum dose of N and irrigation levels for maximizing yield of fennel.
The experiment was conducted at the Spices Research Centre, Shibgonj, Bogra during rabi season, 2012-13 to develop irrigation schedule for higher yield of fennel, to rationalize the N fertilizer rate under the available water supply and to find out the critical growth stage of irrigation. The land was medium high and the soil was clay loam in texture.The physical and chemical properties of the soils are given in Table I. The weather data prevailing during crop growth period are presented in Table II. The experiment was laid out in a split- plot design with three replications. Four levels of Irrigations viz., T1= 01 irrigation at 4-5 leaf stage, T2= 02 irrigations at 4-5 leaf + BI stage, T3= 03 irrigations at 4-5 leaf + BI +FL(50%*) stage andT4= 04 irrigations at 4-5 leaf + BI +FL +GF (50%*) stage were assigned to the main-plot and five levels of Nitrogen viz., 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg/ha were assigned to the sub-plot to achieved the objectives.The unit plot size was 4m x 3m. The advance line FN01 was used as test crop. The crop was planted on 12 November, maintaining 40 cm x 10 cm spacing. In addition to 5 t/ha of cow dung, the crop was fertilized with P35K68S20 B1.5 kg/ha. To control foot rot disease, the crop was sprayed with `Bavistin' (Carbedazim) @ 2g/L of water at 30 and40 DAS. Three picking were done at 06, 09 and 15 April, 2013. Data on plant height, primary branch per plant, number of umbel per plant, number of umbel lets per umbel, number of seeds per umbel let, 1000-seed weight,seed yield were recorded.
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Seed yield of fennel varied significantly due to interaction effect between Irrigation and Nitrogen. The highest seed yield was recorded with 4 irrigations x 90 kg N/ha (2.88 t/ha) which was identical to 4 irrigations x 120 kg N/ha (2.84 t/ha). The lowest seed yield was recorded with 01 irrigation x 0 kg N/ha (0.81 t/ha). The result indicated that irrespective of irrigation, the increase in N dose upto 90 kg/ha increased the seed yield and thereafter, it declined with further increment of N. Similarly, irrespective of N dose, the seed yield increased with the increased levels on irrigations up to 4 irrigations.
From the study it can be concluded that 4 irrigations at 4-5 leaf + BI +FL +GF stage along with 90 kg N/ha may be the good alternative for higher seed yield of fennel.