The study was conducted at Spices Research Sub-Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Lalmonirhat during the year of 2012-2013 to search the effects of soil and foliar application of zinc and boron on the growth, development and yield of garlic. The maximum plant height (51.21 cm), number of leaves per plant (9.95), diameter of bulb (4.04 cm), weight of individual bulb (20.95 g), number of cloves per bulb (21.00), weight of individual clove (1.10 g), dry matter of root (25.67%), dry matter of shoot (38.31%), dry matter of bulb (36.52%), total soluble solid (39.02%) and yield (9.22 kg/ha) of garlic were recorded from growing garlic with applying zinc and boron simultaneously in the soil (T4) which was followed by combined foliar application of zinc and boron (T7). However, growing garlic crops without incorporation of zinc and boron gave lower yield contributing characters, growth parameters and yield of garlic.
Spices Research Sub-station, BARI, Lalmonirhat
Variety and Species
To investigate the effects of Zn and B on the growth, development and yield of garlic.
A field experiment was conducted at Spices Research Sub-Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural research Institute, Lalmonirhat during growing season 2012-2013 to investigate the effects of soil and foliar application of B and Zn for garlic. BARI garlic – 2 was used as a test crop. The trial was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Seven treatments viz;T1: control (without Zn and B), T2: soil application of Zn @ 5 kg/ha, T3: soil application of B @ 2 kg/ha, T4: combined soil application of Zn @ 5 & B @ 2 kg/ha, T5: foliar application of Zn (0.3% as 3 mg Zn/1 litre of water), T6: foliar application of B (0.2% as 2 mg B/1 litre of water) and T7: combined foliar application of Zn (0.3%) & B (0.2%) were studied. Treatments related to soil application of B & Zn were done during final land preparation. Boron and Zn were applied as Borax and Zn SO4, respectively. While treatments related to foliar application of B (0.2%) & Zn (0.3%) were done at two stages on 16 December 2012 and 15 January 2013. Spraying of micronutrients was done at noon in shiny days. In order to omit foliar application effects, . A blanket dose of cowdung 5000, N90, P 50, K 85 and S 30 kg/ ha was applied for all treatments. Planting of cloves were done on 05 November/2012. The crop was harvested on 18 March 2013. Ten plants were randomly selected from each plot for collecting data. Data were collected on plant height, number of leaves/plant, bulb diameter, weight of individual bulb, number of cloves/bulb, weight of individual clove, bulb yield/plot, total soluble solid, dry matter of shoots, roots and bulbs. Afterwards, the plot yield was calculated as bulb yield per hectare in tonne.
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Application of B and Zn showed significant influence on different traits of garlic under study (Table 2). In comparison to the absence of Zn and B, either alone or combined application of these micronutrients in any format affected significantly the growth, development and yield of garlic. The largest diameter of bulb (4.04 cm), individual bulb weight (20.95 g), dry matter of bulb (36.52%), number of cloves/bulb (21.00), weight of individual clove (1.10 g), TSS in bulb (39.02%) and yield (9.22 t/ha) were noted from the plants those were raised with soil application of B in combination with Zn. However, garlic plants without application of B and/or Zn demonstrated the smallest diameter of bulb (3.31 cm), individual bulb weight (16.82 g), dry matter of bulb (28.48%), number of cloves/bulb (17.80), weight of individual clove (0.81 g), TSS in bulb (33.09%) and yield (7.12 t/ha). Increase in the yield of bulbs under combined soil application of B and Zn might be due to production of taller plants with higher number of leaves leading to faster synthesis and translocation of photosynthates from source to sink.
It could be concluded from the experiment that soil application of B in combination with Zn significantly increases plant growth, bulb development and yield of garlic as compared to the other treatments including control. Foliar application of Zn and B also exhibited significant effect on the growth, development and yield of garlic in comparison to control.