The experiment was conducted at the Spices Research Sub-Centre, BARI, Lalmonirhat during rabi season 2012- 2013 to study the mulching and fertilizer effect on growth, yield and quality of garlic. Significant variations exist among the different mulch level and fertilizer combination in respect of all parameter while the non-significant effect showed with number of leaves/plant in respect of fertilizer effect. Only yield component (bulb weight, number of cloves) and yield had affected by combined effect. Quality parameters (neck diameter, weight loss, dry matter and total soluble solids) also influenced by both two main effects except neck diameter and total soluble solids under mulch effect. The combined effect of quality characters showed significant difference in respect of total soluble solids (%), dry matter of bulb (%) and weight loss of bulb (%) except neck diameter. Economic analysis showed that the total cost of production was the highest in treatment combination recommended: F1=( N100+ P50 + K85 + S20 + B2) kg/ha and M4= 10 t/ha straw mulch, but the highest BCR (3.46) was recorded from the treatment combination of recommended: F1=( N100+ P50 + K85 + S20 + B2) kg/ha and M3=8 t/ha straw mulch.
Spices Research Sub-station, BARI, Lalmonirhat
Variety and Species
To effects of mulching and fertilization level on growth, development, yield and quality of garlic.
The experiment was conducted at Spices Research Sub-centre, BARI, Lalmonirhat. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design having three replication. The treatments comprised three fertilization level recommended: (F1= N100+ P50+ K85+ S20 +B2 )kg/ha, soil test basis: F2=(N104+P17+ K93+ S10 + B2 )kg/ha and farmer’s practice: F3= (N60+ P28+ K60 + S13) kg/ha and four mulching level M1= Control or non-mulch, M2=6 t/ha rice straw mulch, M3= 8 t/ha rice straw mulch and M4= 10 t/ha rice straw mulch. The total number of unit plot was 36 and the size of the unit plot was 2 m X 1m. All plot received cow-dung 5 tha-1 and chemical fertilizer were done with treatment wise. The total amount of F1, F2 and F3 treatment were applied during land preparation but the total amount P, K, S,B and 1/3 N of total N were applied at control M1 plot and the rest 2/3 of total N were applied into two equal split doses as side dress in 25 and 50 days after planting. The mulching was done as treatment wise during seed clove planting. The cloves of BARI Rasun-2 were planted on November 2, 2012 with a distance 20 cm X 10 cm between rows and plants and harvested on March 15, 2013.
Weight loss was determined using samples of 30 bulbs (10 small, 10 medium and 10 large sized) randomly taken from each treatment. The difference in weight of the bulbs at the beginning and mid of each month was determined. The collected data were analyzed statistically and the mean were compared by LSD method (Gomez & Gomez, 1984).
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
All mulch levels and recommended: F1( (N100 + P50+ K85+ S20 + B2 kg/ha) and soil test basis: F2=((N104+ P17+ K93+ S10 +B2 kg/ha) fertilizer combination showed better performance than no-mulch with farmer’s practice: F3( N60+ P28+ K60 +S13kg/ha) on yield, quality and economic benefit. Mulching with recommended: F1 (N100 + P50+ K85+ S20 + B2 kg/ha) and soil test basis: F2 (N104+ P17+ K93+ S10 +B2 kg/ha) fertilizer combination performed more or less similar.