M.N.A. Chowdhury
Senior Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M. A. R. Akanda
Principal Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
M. B. Sarkar
Scientific Officer
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
S.A. Mallik
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
The experiment was conducted during October 2012 to May, 2013 at Spices Research Centre, Shibganj, Bogra to find out the critical irrigation stage and increased the seed yield of winter onion. Among the treatments, all parameters like plant height (cm), number of effective stalk per plant, , umbel size (cm), number of flowers per umbel, 1000 seed weight (g), seed yield per ha (kg), germination percentage varied significantly. The highest seed yield (532.00 kg/ha), 1000 seed weight (3.83g) and the germination percentage (88.00%) were found in treatment T11 and the lowest (239.00 Kg/ha, 2.43 g, and 48.67 % respectively) was found in T12. The high yielded treatment (T11) received 241 mm of seasonal water. The highest BCR (4.90) was also found in T11.
Spices Research Center,BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
Variety and Species
To find out the critical irrigation stage of winter onion for higher yield and quality seed production.
The experiment was conducted at Spices Research Center, Shibganj, Bogra during rabi season 2012 -2013 to find out the critical irrigation stage and increased the seed yield of winter onion. The planting materials were BARI Onion-4.
T 1 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + scape initiation stage
T2 = Irrigation was applied at scape initiation + flowering stage
T3 = Irrigation was applied at flowering + milking stage
T4 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + milking stage
T5 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + flowering stage
T 6 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + scape initiation + flowering stage
T7 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + flowering + milking stage
T8 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + scape initiation + milking stage
T9 = Irrigation was applied at scape initiation + flowering + milking stage
T10 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + scape initiation + milking stage
T 11 = Irrigation was applied at vegetative + scape initiation + flowering + milking stage
T12 = Control (One irrigation was applied after emergence).
The unit plot size was 4.0m x 3.0m having plant spacing of 25cm x 20cm. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Onion was fertilized with recommended dose of cow dung 10 t/ha, N115, P54, K75, S20, Zn3 and B2 Kg/ha. Weeding was done at 25, 50, 75, & 100 days after planting. The recorded data were, plant height (cm), number of effective stalk per plant, number of flowers per umbel, umbel size (cm), 1000 seed weight (g), seed yield per plot (g), germination percentage of harvested seed, soil moisture before and after each irrigation, amount of irrigation water applied and BCR. Data were analyzed by MSTAT program.
Annual Research Report 2012-13, Spice Research Center, BARI, Shibganj, Bogra
From this result, it can be concluded that irrigation at vegetative + scape initiation + flowering + milking stage is the best option in respect of seed yield and economic performance. The study also reveals that flowering stage may be considered as the critical stage for irrigation of onion seed production. The trial should be continued in the next year for confirmation of results.