S. N. Mozumder
Senior Scientific Officer,
Regional Spices Research Centre
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Gazipur -1701, Bangladesh
M. M. Rahaman
Department of Horticulture
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur-1706
M. M. Hossain
Department of Horticulture
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur-1706
J. U. Ahmed
Department of Crop Botany
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur-1706
The study was conducted at the Horticulture Research Field of BSMRAU, Gazipur during November, 2006 to August 2007. Bilatidhonia plants are sciophilus, erect perennial herb, grow up to 90 cm when flowering. Plants 8–40 cm high form a basal rosette. The stem is reduced, weak, green, solid and covered by leaf sheath, usually not visible before flowering in standing plant. Small flowers closely arranged in dense umbels, greenish calyx with white corolla, accent, appearing in April to December. Fruit small, globose head or ovoid-globose, 1.1–1.3 mm, covered with tubercles greenish in younger stage, mature to brown.
Bilatidhonia, Phenology, growth stage, study.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur-1706
Variety and Species
1) To investigate the phonological aspects of Bilatidhonia.
2) To investigate morphological characteristics of Bilatidhonia at different growth stages.
The study was conducted at the Horticulture Research Field of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU), Salna, Gazipur during November, 2006 to August 2007. Six raised (15cm) plots of 3×1m size were prepared in two rows keeping 50cm bed to bed and bed to ail distance for drainage. Manures and fertilizers were applied @ cowdung 15 ton, urea 350 kg, TSP 350 kg and MOP 200 kg per hectare (Islam et al., 2003. The entire amount of cowdung and TSP with one fourth of urea and MP were applied during final land preparation. The rest of the urea and MP were applied in three equal installments at 45, 75 and 105 days after sowing of seeds. Seeds of Bilatidhonia germplasm (BD003) were sown @ 3g/m2 by broadcasting on 08 December 2006 and mixed with soil at 0.1- 1.0 cm depth. Black colored mosquito (nylon) nets was hanged up to 1.5 meter over the experimental plots to maintain approximately 50% PAR (photosynthetically active radiation), with the help of GI wire no. 12 and bamboo poles. By using data of leaf dry weight and leaf area, specific leaf weight (SLW) was calculated with the following formula (Schoch, 1972).
SLW = Leaf dry weight (mg) ÷ Area of leaf (cm2)
Mozumder, S. N., M. M. Rahaman M. M. Hossain and J. U. Ahmed. 2010. Phenological studies of Bilatidhonia (Eryngium foetidum L.) at different growth stages. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 14(2): 75-84.
Bilatidhonia plants are sciophilus (shade-loving), erect perennial herb, grow up to 90 cm when flowering. Plants 8–40 cm high form a basal rosette. Root is thin and spindle-shaped. Tap root with few branching, fusiform with fibrous roots. The main root length increased up to 21.8cm at 180 days after sowing (DAS). The stem is reduced, weak, green, solid and covered by leaf sheath, usually not visible before flowering in standing plant. An indeterminate umbel, crowded into dense heads surrounded by a whorl of rigid bracts. Inflorescence divaricately trifurcate; lateral branches often continuing to form a monochasium, heads numerous, short-pedunculate. Flowers are pentamerous, minute, greenish white; each flower is surrounded by a bract. Small flowers closely arranged in dense umbels, greenish calyx with white corolla, accent, appearing in April to December. Fruit small, globose head or ovoid-globose, 1.1–1.3 mm, covered with tubercles greenish in younger stage, mature to brown. Fruit appears in clusters of small green globes which mature to brown. Seeds surrounded with hairy coverings that hinder to observe its actual shape.
Journal, Report/Proceedings, Online Circulation