A.H.M. Mahbubur Rahman*
Plant Taxonomy Laboratory, Department of Botany, Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Moriom Jamila
Plant Taxonomy Laboratory, Department of Botany, Faculty of Life & Earth Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Angiosperm diversity, Medicinal plants, Indigenous uses, Chapai Nawabganj district
Jamtala village of Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh
Development of Host and Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants
2.1. Study Area Jamtala is a village under Nawabganj Sadar upazila of Chapai Nawabganj in the Division of Rajshahi Bangladesh. Nawabganj upazila area is 451.78 km2 located in between 24°36′N 88°16′E Coordinates: 24°36′N 88°16′E. It is bounded by Gomastapur upazila on the north, on the north-east Nachole, on the west Shibganj and on the south-east Rajshahi Zila. Population: Total 530592; male 254629, female 275963; Muslim 507483, Hindu 20644, Buddhist 3, Christian 1239 and others 1223. Literacy rate: Average literacy 46.3 %; male 44.8 %, female 47.7%. Main sources of income: Agriculture 40 %, non-agricultural labourer 2.86%, Rice mils 62% and others mils 208%, commerce 16.87%, transport and communication 2.14%, service 26.26%, construction 5.80%, and others 12.65%. Ownership of agricultural land: Landowner 60.36%, landless 40.64%; agricultural landowner: urban 47.12% and rural 60.64%.Main Crops: Paddy, jute, sugarcane, wheat, betel leaf, oil seeds, pulses. Main Fruits: Mango, jackfruit, litchi, black berry, palm, coconut, watermelon and boroi. Water bodies Main River: Mohanonda. Manufacturing Industries: Silk mill, textile mill, cold storage and aluminium factory are different types of manufacturing industries are present. Main exports Mango, Sugar, jute hessian, banana, pineapple, onion, garlic, vegetables. 2.2. Survey of Medicinal Information In the present survey, a total of 47 plant species under 45 genera and 36 families were collected and recorded for their use in various ailments. A total of 150 Santal people having an age range 20-84 years were interviewed using semi-structured interviewed method. Professionally they were peasant, day labor, farmer, betel leaf cultivators, house wives, medicine men, small shop keepers etc. Among them 70 were female and rest 80 were male. Regular field studies were made in the study area during the period. The information about the plants used for various diseases was gathered through interviews and discussion with the elderly people, medicine men and traditional medical practitioners were also consulted. Plant specimens with flowers and fruits were collected and processed using standard herbarium techniques. Herbal plants referred by these people were authentically identified. The voucher specimens are stored at The Herbarium, Department of Botany, and University of Rajshahi for future reference.
Research in Plant Sciences, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1-9 Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/plant/4/1/1