FH Khan
Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Cumilla
MM Majumder
Upazila Agriculture Officer
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Sadar Dhakhin, Cumilla
SMT Islam
Agriculture Research and Development Officer
International Rice Research Institute, Bangladesh
MA Iqubal
Agricultural Information Service, Cumilla Region, Cumilla Bangladesh
A Sultana
Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Cumilla
M Adil
Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Cumilla
IPNS, Rice, Fertilizer, Yield
Barisal, Jhalkathi, Patuakhali and Barguna districts
Knowledge Management
Tidal Flood Ecosystem (Barisal region)- Four field experiments in T. Aus 2016, six in T. Aman 2016 and four in Boro 2016-17 were conducted at the farmers’ fields in Barisal, Jhalkathi, Patuakhali and Barguna districts. Those were selected to represent the most common land and soil types, cropping systems and farm management practices in coastal area of Barisal region. All the sites belong to AEZ 13 (Ganges Tidal Floodplain). Texturally the soils were silty clay to clay loam. Major crop cycle of that area was Pulse-T. Aus-T.Aman. Treatments were tested without replication. Unit plot size was 6- × 5-m. Phosphorus, K, S and Zn were applied as TSP, MoP, Gypsum and Zinc sulphate, respectively. All TSP, MoP, gypsum, Zinc sulphate and rice straw were applied at final land preparation. Prilled urea (PU) was applied in two splits (Farmer’s practice, FP, T3). In T. Aus and T. Aman season, 66% PU at 12-15 DAT and the rest at 5-7 days before PI stage and in BRRI recom dose (T1) and Rice straw (RS) + IPNS (T2), USG was applied at 12-15 DAT. One USG (1.8 g) was placed at the middle of four hills at 7.5-10 cm depth. BRRI dhan55/BRRI dhan43 and BRRI dhan52/BR11 were used as test variety in T. Aus and T. Aman season, respectively. In Boro, PU was applied in three equal splits in (T3) at 15 and 35 DAT and at 5-7 days before PI stage. In T1 and T2, USG was applied at 12-15 DAT. One USG (2.7 g) was placed at the middle of four hills at 7.5-10 cm depth. BRRI dhan58 was used as test variety in Boro season. Two-three seedlings/hill were transplanted at 20-×20-cm spacing. All intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. Soil and plant sampling and analysis- Initial soil samples were collected from each farmer’s field at 0-15 cm depth from 16 spots and were mixed thoroughly to make a composite sample. Then the sample was air-dried and sieved to pass through a 2-mm sieve. Soil samples were analyzed for determination of pH, total N, organic matter, available P, exchangeable K, available S and available Zn contents. Grain yield was recorded from the central 5 m2 harvest area in each plot at maturity and reported on 14% moisture basis. At maturity, 16 hills (four hills from each of the four sides of the grain harvest area) were collected at ground level and fresh straw weight was determined after separating the grains. Grain and straw were dried at 70°C to constant weight and dry weights were recorded. The ratio of fresh and oven-dry weights of straw for 16-hill samples was then used to determine straw yields on an oven-dry basis from fresh straw weights (Islam & Muttaleb, 2016). Data analysis: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on yield to determine the effects of different treatments using the IRRISTAT software version 4.1 (IRRI, 1998). Least significant difference (LSD) at the 5% level of probability was used to evaluate the differences among treatment means. Submergence and cold prone area (Rangpur region)- Four field emonstrations in T. Aman and six in Boro season were conducted at farmers’ fields of Lalmonirhat, Kurigram and Rangpur districts (AEZ 3). Soils of experimental fields were sandy loam in texture with slightly acidic in reaction. Major crop cycle of that area was Potato/Wheat- Braus-T. Aman. Treatments were imposed without replication. Unit plot size was 6-× 5-m. Nitrogen, P, K, S and Zn were applied as Urea, TSP, MoP, Gypsum and Zinc sulphate, respectively. In T2, rice straw at the rate of 4.5 t/ha was used as K source. All TSP, MoP, gypsum, Zinc sulphate and rice straw were applied at final land preparation. Urea was applied in three equal splits: at final land preparation, at maximum tillering stage and 5-7 days before at PI stage. BRRI dhan52 was used as test variety in T. Aman season. In Boro, BRRI dhan58 was used as test variety in all sites. Two-three seedlings/hill were transplanted at 20- × 20-cm spacing. All intercultural operations were done as and when necessary. Grain yield was recorded from 5 m2 areas (centre part of each plot) and 16 hills were collected for recording straw yield. Grain yield was adjusted at 14% moisture content and straw yield as oven dry basis.
Eco-friendly Agril. J. 11(12):143-147, 2018 (December)