A K Ghose
Biotech. Div., BSRI, Ishurdi, Pabna
M S Haque
Dept. of Biotech., BAU, Mymensingh
S N Begum
Biotech. Div., BINA, Mymensingh
R Barua
ARD, BRRI, Gazipur
M K Hasan
CSISA BD, CIMMYT- Bangladesh
M S I Sagar
Department of Biotech., BAU, Mymensingh
Lentil, Genetic Diversity, RAPD Marker
Biotech. Div., BSRI, Ishurdi, Pabna
Variety and Species
Eco-friendly Agril. J. 7(09): 85-92, 2014 (September); ISSN 1999-7957