Senior Scientific Officer (Horticulture)
ARS, Raikhali, BARI, Chandraghona,
Rangamati, Hill Dist., Bangladesh.
Cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. capitata, Hybrid variety, Spacing, Head yield
Agricultural Research Station, Raikhali in the district of Rangamati
Crop-Soil-Water Management
The experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station, Raikhali in the district of Rangamati during the rabi seasons of 2005-06 and 2006-07. The experimental field comprised with the Piedmont plain soil having medium loamy to moderately fine texture (sandy clay loam) and belongs to AEZ 29. The soil was poor in organic matter and moderately acidic. Nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and potassium were low in soil. N and P were below critical limit, S was close to the critical limit and K and Zn were just above the critical level . The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized complete block design with three replications, having two spacings viz. S1 = 60 × 40 cm and S2 = 60 × 44cm and ten cabbage varieties viz. V1= Green Rich, V2 = Green-621, V3= Green Coronet, V4 = Summer Warrior, V5 = Rare Ball, V6 = Alas-70, V7 = Southern Treasure, V8= Laurels, V9 = K- K Cross, and V10, = K- S Cross. All the varieties were hybrid collected from Dhaka. The unit plot size was 3.0 × 3.6 cm which accommodated 40 and 45 plants from 60 × 45 cm and 60 × 40 cm spacings, respectively. Manures and fertilizers were applied to the soil @ 180 kg N, 40 kg P, 100 kg K, 30 kg S, 5 kg Zn, and 5 tons well rotten cowdung per hectare (Nasreen and Islam, 1992). The source of N, P, K, S, and Zn were urea, TSP, MoP, gypsum and ZnO. The total amount of cowdung, TSP, gypsum, ZnO, and one-third quantity of urea and MoP were incorporated into the soil before transplanting and the remaining two-thirds of urea and MP were applied in two equal installments as topdressing at the 3rd and 5th weeks after transplanting. Thirty days old seedlings were transplanted on 10 November 2005 and 12 November 2006, respectively. The crop was irrigated immediately after topdressing and then at 15 days interval. The crop was harvested when the head was compact. The head harvest started 22 January and continued up to 15 Febmary of both years. The data on plant height at harvest, number of unfolded leaves, number of folded leaves, length and width of the biggest loose leaves, head height, head diameter, head weight with unfolded leaves and marketable weight were recorded from randomly selected 10 plants from the inner rows of the plots. The plot yield from the harvest area of 10.8 m2 was calculated and then it was converted to per hectare yield. The treatment means were separated by DMRT at 5% level of probability.
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 36(3) : 495-506, September 2011, ISSN 0258-7122